Saturday, August 16, 2008

Poop Scoop Business

I found this on article on which is a great idea for our environment and the latest in trends which is here to stay!

Local Firefighter on a Mission to Provide an Eco-friendly Service for Busy Pet Owners

Originally Published Jul 6, 2008, 10:00am
(Updated Jul 8, 2008, 9:49am)

Forsyth County firefighter, Mike McCarthy, combines his love for animals, serving the community and protecting the environment into a clever business that is “picking up”, after Fido. We’re on Doodie is a full service professional pet waste management “pooper scooper” company servicing Forsyth, Dawson, Fulton, Cobb, Cherokee & Gwinnett counties. McCarthy saw a need for this kind of service while his family was researching, on the internet, ways to decrease their own carbon stamp on the environment. Pet waste can be harmful to our environment and our health if not disposed of properly. As a husband, father and pet owner, McCarthy decided, with his family’s full support, to don a pair of rubber boots, purchase a pooper scooper and jump feet first into being a full fledged ‘entremanure’.

“The fact is, not cleaning up after your pet contaminates your yard or common space and eventually the local water ways”, McCarthy says. “Proper disposal of pet waste is an important responsibility of all pet owners. Unfortunately, our lives are becoming increasingly busier and picking up after the pooch seems to be last on the “To Doo” list”, McCarthy continues. .That’s where We’re on Doodie can help. The company was designed to offer residential and commercial customers an affordable, earth friendly service focused on the nastiest part of pet ownership, scooping the poop. Employing the use of bio-degradable bags, “Doodie Stations” and in ground pet septic systems, We’re on Doodie customizes a plan to deal with your particular pet waste problems.

Customers’ reasons for hiring We’re on Doodie range from being earth conscience, improving the look of their yard or community to improving the health of their family and pets. “We meet with clients, discuss their concerns and develop a customized plan” McCarthy says. “Sometimes that means discussing information that the client did not know, such as the spread of bacteria through the household and the damage pet waste can cause in our rivers and streams”, McCarthy adds. “It feels good to know that what we are doing makes a difference and we take great pride in that”.

We’re on Doodie scoops for residential and commercial clients. “The running joke is that we go where the dogs goes”, says We’re on Doodie owner, Mike McCarthy. “You have to have a pretty good sense of humor to be a pooper scooper, especially being a firefighter. “The guys I work with at the fire department thought I was a bit crazy when I told them about my business plan”. McCarthy, works out of Forsyth County Fire Department Station 2 and oddly enough is a member of the department’s Hazardous Materials Team. Mike says his expertise in handling hazardous materials comes in handy. “I know I don’t want to step in poop or have it anywhere on my body. I make sure to decontaminate all of my equipment before I move on to the next client and myself when the day is over”, McCarthy jokes.

In addition to ridding the Atlanta area of hazardous poop, We’re on Doodie has started a tradition of volunteering time and money to local humane societies and rescue groups. “We are very proud of our efforts to help organizations like the Humane Society of Forsyth & Dawson Counties and Labrador Friends of the South, Inc.,” says McCarthy.

In short, We’re on Doodie is the solution to pet pollution and serves the community with pride.

To contact We're on Doodie, call (770) 780-0072 or visit their website

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